Supporting the Community
At SportsCare Canberra we’ve firmly cemented our support for the sporting community over the years, establishing many valuable partnerships and sponsorships from grassroots to elite level sporting clubs.
But it’s the additional ways we’re supporting the community that really bolster the good feels. Whether it’s taking part ourselves, sponsoring or fundraising, we love sharing the causes close to our heart that make us stand up and strive to make a difference.

Challenge Canberra
SportsCare is proud to be sponsoring one of the major triathlon events in Canberra – Challenge Canberra.
The challenge is held over two days on the 16th and 17th of November, and we are excited to see over 800 participants, including some pro triathletes and a large majority of the Canberra Triathlon Community—including our very own Dave and Chloe!
As sponsors, SportsCare will be there across the weekend keeping the athletes at their best with post-race massages, helping out with the ice baths and so much more.
Find out more about Challenge Canberra.

Dragons Abreast Canberra
Dragons Abreast Canberra is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and they are gearing up for a very big Social and Corporate Regatta on the 23rd of November 2024.
This is their biggest fundraiser of the year and a great opportunity for attendees to experience the fun and thrills of dragon boat racing while also supporting breast cancer survivors.
This year, SportsCare is showing our support by providing social and corporate paddlers with sports massages and more on the day.
Find out more about Dragons Abreast Canberra.

FARE’s City2Surf Fundraising Campaign
SportsCare Canberra is pleased to support the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) in the world’s largest fun run – City2Surf. Running and walking are fantastic ways to get active and relieve stress. But did you know that reducing or stopping your alcohol intake can help improve your health and wellbeing?
On Sunday 11 August 2024, FARE will participate in the City2Surf to raise awareness about alcohol harm and support community-led change, and we are too! Check out our video here for more information.
SportsCare is backing FARE’s efforts by fundraising, and we have even entered our own team! Help us fundraise by making a donation now.
Be sure to check out SportsCare’s, Dave Halpin’s training tips for City2Surf here.
Find out more about FARE’s City2Surf fundraising campaign.

SportsCare takes on Coastrek
In March 2024 a few of the SportsCare team took part in the inaugural Coastrek event in Canberra. The trek took place through many of Canberra’s beautiful and scenic sights, all to raise funds for the Heart Foundation. SportsCare’s Louise Roantree, Charlotte Martin, and Dylan Chen were all there at many of the stops along the trek supporting the walkers along their way. It was a wonderful day to connect with the community and with over $140,000 raised it was truly a remarkable event.
Find out more about Coastrek.

SportsCare supports Relay for Life
The annual Relay for Life took place in April 2024, and so many of the SportsCare team were there to show their support. Relay for Life is one of the many great community fundraising events the SportsCare team supports with all proceeds going towards funding Cancer Council’s vital research, prevention, and support programs. Our team was there helping run the coordination of the event, as well as offering massages and advice to all those taking part. Well done to all the teams that participated in the 2024 event.
Find out more about Relay for Life.