Canberra Weekly Hand Article

June 12, 2014

Hand Therapy Awareness week June 2nd-8th 2014

Why Hand therapy awareness week ?

Hand therapy awareness week is an international event to raise the profile of Hand therapy. According to a 2008 report available from worksafe Australia, work-related hand and wrist injuries are the most common work-related injury type and are an important problem in the Australian workforce.Unfortunately many people who could benefit from specialised care are unaware that Hand therapy exists or what hand therapists do. Hand therapists treat a range of conditions including workplace injuries, which can vary from construction site to office based injuries and sporting injuries. Hand therapists can also assisst in managing chronic conditions such as arthritis.

Who are hand therapists?

Hand therapists are registered Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists who, through further education, clinical experience and independent study have become proficient in the treatment of upper limb conditions resulting from injury, disease or deformity.

What is hand therapy/ What does hand therapy invovle?

Hand Therapy is the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper limb – shoulder to hand. It involves evaluation and testing to assess the injured limb from which a specific treatment program can be designed. A variety of specialised treatment techniques are used to achieve these goals.

Hand therapy in the ACT

In the ACT we are lucky enough to have a number of experienced Hand therapists working in private clinics and providing care at the Canberra Hospital. Across Canberra we tend to see quite a seasonal variance in hand injuries. Sporting injuries such as fractures and ligament sprains are common in the winter, injuries such as trigger finger from a sudden increase in gardening in the spring time and a number of cooking related injuries in the Christmas period.

Tips for Healthy hands

  • Always use the right tools for the job, whether it is in your kitchen, ergonomic set up of your computer based workstation, gardening equipment or the tools of your trade.
  • If you are unsure of the right tools or correct use seek advice.
  • Remember your hands are a valuable asset , if working with power tools always use the correct safety equipment to secure the job never hold it by hand or ask a friend to hold it to get the job done more quickly.
  • Seek help early your hands are very important.