Time spent differently

June 23, 2020

Making the most of what we learnt through the last few months.

Over the last three months, in an attempt to flatten the curve and stop the spread of the virus, we have spent energy adjusting to a more isolated routine, where the commute time was shortened to only a few meters from the bedroom to the living room and most social activities were conducted online. Even though there were some hiccups along the way, and many of us needed to set some boundaries to make this new arrangement work, I believe that most people ended up developing some positive habits during this time, and noticed unhelpful habits disappear now they were in a different environment.

Now, restrictions are starting to ease, work is back at the office, appointments are face to face and catch-ups are inside a cafe. I know just as many people who are somewhat disappointed with the return to routine, as others who are eager to throw a party to celebrate. In either case, before we jump straight into the “old ways” and make up for “lost time”, I invite you to consider the last few months as time spent differently. Take note of the positive little things that may have happened during this period and consider how can you keep them going into this next phase.

In chatting with friends, clients and colleagues, there were a few themes that came up frequently:

Taking time to eat and prepare a more substantial lunch.

Did you notice how that made you feel fuller for longer and reduced the afternoon snacks?

I have clients who now cook their lunch on Sunday and Wednesday and take a large container to work on Monday and Thursday, so they have food all week in the fridge at the office. Dinner becomes a quick snack or small meal, so the amount of cooking done is still the same, if not less.

Not being surrounded by highly processed, nutrient-poor snacks.

What did you do instead when you needed a break?

The real rewards to taking a break became clearer to those who 1. did not have a chocolate charity box or biscuit jar to reach to, and 2. felt free to take breaks when needed without feeling judged or controlled. Have you ever noticed how often smokers and coffee drinkers can take breaks much more often than someone who simply says “I need to get some fresh air”?

Being away from corridor diet talk and dressing comfortably.

Did you notice how wearing sneakers and comfortable trousers make you more inclined to be active through the day? Or how not having to explain what is in your lunchbox to the critical eyes of work colleagues makes you more comfortable to eat what and how much you feel like?

I could go on and on with examples, but this is an opportunity for your own reflections, and hopefully an encouragement to make a change, now that you experienced a different way of doing things. As always, you don’t need to go through it alone, of course. We are here for you in case you need a helping hand in implementing these helpful habits into your new old routine.

Juliana & the team at Pura Vida.